My New Life Path

Leading you home and paving the way

to a better world.


It’s time to pull back all the rugs and kick up the dust that's been swept under them,

open the closet doors and let all those skeletons fall out,

and grab that enormous elephant by the trunk and address it straight in the face!

I’m going to come right out, state the obvious and say what we’re all thinking and feeling…

The world in which we are currently living is fifty shades of messed up!!! 

We can keep on keeping on trying to raise our vibrations and manifest a new and better world by thinking happy positive thoughts, sending “light and love,” holding hands and singing rounds of Kumbaya together until we’re blue in the face. 

Try as we might, the plain and simple fact is that we are NEVER going to “get on the same page,” “see eye to eye,” completely agree on everything and live in a world in which we all see everyone as equal. 

WHY?  Because…


WHY? Because…


WHY? Because… 




We all have a chance to live a new and better life

and to play a part in creating a better world for us ALL!

In spite of our differences, there are some things we can all agree on and many ways in which we are the SAME.

We all:

  • Prefer pleasure over pain and happiness over suffering.

  • Have the same basic physical, mental and emotional needs for survival.

  • Want to experience belonging, love, respect, kindness, compassion, appreciation and validation in the world and in our interactions with others.

  • Desire freedom to choose the ways in which we want to be present in the world and live our lives.

  • Experience unpleasant things in our lives that create a wide degree and variety of wounds within us.

If you are someone who:

❤has a strong desire for a new and better life experience for yourself and for others,

is willing to commit to a life in which you can lay your head on the pillow each night and wake each day feeling good about who you are, the choices you make and the ways in which you’re living your life,

is ready to answer the call for change, lead by example and take an active part in creating a better world for us all...

I’d like to welcome you home and invite you to join me and an incredible group of like-minded and spirited soul siblings on the

My New Life Path journey.

My New Life Path is a unique and powerful 16-week healing experience.

Throughout this journey, I'll guide you through the
framework from which I found my path to lasting healing and change and from which I now live my life.

Over the years, I have shared this very same framework with thousands of others around the world helping them find their place in this world and experience a life filled with the peace, freedom, ease and happiness for which we are truly meant and desire most.

I've recently been introduced to the idea of "unlearning" with Debbie and I haven't EVER resonated so DEEPLY with an idea. We're now on a journey of unlearning expectations other have set for me, unlearning people-pleasing behavior, even unlearning my perfectionist behavior.

Debbie has helped me understand that a multitude of well-rooted conflicts I struggled with were born from learned/taught behaviors and expectations. I am SO excited to see what the unlearning journey holds in the future. I can't thank Debbie enough!

Angelina R.


Unlearning has brought me to this place within myself of a new level of self-love, self-care, and self-knowing. It's teaching me slowly that the things I thought we were right for me sometimes aren't, and I've had so much pressure and resentment towards myself and even others transmuted into a more loving, positive and lighter way of living.

I've found that I am less on edge, less judgmental, and more understanding of myself and others BUT ALSO not forgetting about healthy boundaries. I am so grateful to and for Debbie and the beautiful gifts she brings."

Michelle C.

New York, USA

The depth of Debbie's intuitive observations and our discussion of my life journey has been nothing short of a revelation for me. My relationship with family and friends has changed. Having to unlearn and adjust my response to the incoming messages and pressures has allowed me to live a more calm and purpose driven life.

Not getting caught up in my own thoughts and unreasonable expectations, has created an inner calmness and a more focused life energy. But most important, I now have the energy and ability to balance my desire and needs for better health and well-being.

Debbie's message is clear and honest. She provides a safe and personal space to explore possibilities and well-rounded healing strategies and hidden pitfalls. I am a better spouse and friend in addition to feeling satisfied with my life. Thank you, Debbie.

Joe M.

New York, USA

Debbie has helped me tremendously! She has helped me unlearn the behavior pleasing everyone else and putting my needs aside, or turning into the person that I think they want me to be.

I am SO happy to say that for the first time EVER in my 52 years of life, I was recently able to stick to my boundaries and see my self- worth.

I feel so much better about myself and my life and find a smile on my face more often than not.

Lorie M.


The My New Life Path journey will help you:

  • Find clarity in the confusion as forget everything we think we now and everything we’ve been told to believe through the unique and transformative process of “Unlearning.”

  • Recognize the real sources of our pain and become more aware of what it is that motivates our reactions, responses, choices, actions and behaviors.

  • Develop the skills and abilities to resolve conflict within ourselves and others in a way that is loving, compassionate, and beneficial to everyone involved.

  • Find meaning, purpose, clarity and understanding in all of our life experiences and challenges.

  • Discover and appreciate the beauty, value and significance in both our pleasure and our pain.

  • Freely experience, express and process our emotions free of judgment, guilt or shame.

  • Safely and comfortably heal the “heart hurts” and roots of our own personal suffering. 

  • Experience connection and community through our shared desires, wounds, laughter, tears, hopes and dreams.

  • Journey a new life path that will provide you with everything you need to live your best life and shine your light on the path to a new and better life and world for others.

The My New Life Path Framework


HONESTY: Aligning your words, actions, thoughts, and behaviors with truth.

OWNERSHIP: Taking full responsibility for what is yours to control, change and choose in your life.

MINDFULNESS: Embracing and experiencing your thoughts, feelings and experiences and those of others with an open mind and heart free of judgment, criticism, assumptions or expectations.

EMPATHY: Acknowledging, allowing, and accepting that you and all beings deserve compassion and love and holding yourself and others in compassion in love in every experience.


Communicate Compassionately












Here's what you'll receive each week of the

My New Life Path journey:

Weekly Guidance Session Videos: Every week, you will receive new session recordings in which I'll guide you through the My New Life Path framework and help you apply it to your own life circumstances and situations.

Supplemental session resources: You'll receive downloadable session audio recordings as well as session reflection prompts that will allow you to heal, grow and "unlearn" in the style that feels right and best for you.

Weekly LIVE online "Deep Dive" support sessions: You'll receive access to 16 weeks of LIVE group gatherings. During each session you will have the opportunity to share your unique experiences and needs and receive personalized attention and individualized support from me with the compassionate and loving support of your fellow wayfinders.

Lifetime Access: To further support you in your journey, you will have lifetime access to the My New Life Path journey within your member portal so you can revisit, review, relisten and refresh as often and as many times as you would like.

Exclusive Member Discounts: Exclusive member early access discounted enrollments on courses and additional discounts on private sessions, future membership opportunities, LIVE events and other product and services.

Choose Your Path

$2500 USD

Single Payment

(Billed once)

$50 non-refundable deposit will be deducted from your total payment amount.

$650 USD

Monthly Payments

(Billed 4 months)

$50 deposit be divided into 4 separate amounts. $12.50 will be deducted from each of your monthly payments.

$175 USD

Weekly Payments

(Billed 16 weeks)

$50 deposit be divided into 16 separate amounts. $3.12 will be deducted from each of your weekly payments.


Everyone belongs, and no one will be turned away. If you need further assistance financing your healing journey, I am here for you. Click the button below to contact me for payment options or partial scholarship.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this program different from other online group programs you there? What makes this one so special and unique?

I believe that true transformation can't be done alone and requires deep personal support and connection. That is why I personally chose to meet LIVE each and every week throughout the journey. I have a unique style that combines deep insights, fun stories, and self-discovery. This is not a passive "set it and forget it" online course. We go DEEP! We get REAL! And we're together, EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. It's engaging, fun, interactive and full of life!

You will be guided as you discover your own truths about yourself and your life. By the end of this program, you will not only understand why you do what we do, what beliefs and actions are standing in your way, but HOW to live your life in a new way on an entirely new path.

It is SO important that I honor and respect each person I work with and that everyone feels supported during their journey. That's why I have implemented a clear set of standards and guidelines to uphold the integrity, comfort and security of our online community. It's an engaging and supportive community that welcomes and unites like-minded and spirited women from all parts of the world who have been searching for a place where they are free, safe, celebrated, loved and accepted for who they truly are.

I've never done anything like this before. Do I need to have a lot of other experience for this to work for me?

Absolutely NOT! The beauty of Rising Together is that it was created to meet everyone exactly where they are in their journey. This is NOT a "one-size-fits-all" model where you follow my steps and BIBBIDI BOBBIDI BOO your life is perfect! During this program, you will create your own unique blueprint and map out your life EXACTLY as you want to live it in a way that meets your comfort level, wants, needs and vision for happiness. Whether you have done any other personal development work and/or any other healing approaches or modalities in the past, I offer something for everyone and will meet your needs in a way that is best and comfortable for you.

How do I know if this is right for me? What do I need to have or do to get the most out of this program?

To get the best results and most out of this program, all you need is a strong desire for change and willingness to approach things with an open mind and heart. Most importantly, you need to be ready and willing to "show up" and be 100% committed to yourself and the process. You'll learn a lot from being a passenger, but you'll really find your direction from the driver's seat. This is not a quick fix and not for the faint of heart! This is a not a program that's going to help you learn who did what and who's to blame. If you are ready to take charge, own your stuff and put your focus completely on yourself and what you have the power to influence in your life, then this is totally your jam! Perhaps you're not quite there yet. That's okay. When you're ready, I'll be right here, ready and waiting for you. But for now, this might not be "your cup of tea."

How long do I have portal access and access to the session recordings and other program materials?

You will have unlimited access to the My New Life Path journey in your course portal and 16-weeks of access to the LIVE group calls and recordings. Upon completion of 16-weeks you will no longer have access to the group calls and call recordings. You can extend your access to the LIVE calls and recordings by enrolling in the Wayfinder's Community upon the completion of the My New Life Path journey.

How many "Unlearning" sessions & meditations will I receive each month?

The heart of community is all about freedom, following the Diving inner guidance, expressing yourself honestly and with integrity and embodying a fully authentic life and way of being. In keeping with this, I do not feel I can share my gifts honestly, authentically and genuinely if I either force sessions to be released when they are not meant to, nor do I feel honest or aligned with my integrity if I withhold messages simply because it doesn't fall within a specific "session schedule." So, I have made the bold decision to take a "leap of faith" and do something "outside of the box," and "break the mold" of what most people are accustomed to within traditional group programs and other memberships. Sessions will be released as often as the messages are received and as often as I am guided and inspired to release them. Some months will have more, some will have less. There is no set structure, frequency or quantity. Some months there may be more "unlearning" sessions than meditations, some months there may be 1 or 2 topics, some months there may be 5 or 6. Together, we will surrender ourselves over to whatever is meant for us and trust that it will all come in the perfect time and place that is right and best for us.

I really want to join, but the current price offerings are still out of my range. Do you offer any financial assistance?

I want everyone is worthy and deserving to live their best life as their highest selves regardless of income or financial means. I don't want ANYTHING to stand in the way of your best life and the gift of this incredible experience. If you need additional assistance, I am happy to support you in your endeavors. Just click the link above or contact me at: and I will support you in every way I can.

Why does it cost more for monthly/weekly payments?

Payment plans are meant to provide you with more flexibility. The small increase in the overall price covers program production costs and processing fees that are required for multiple transactions. The best value will always be to pay in full.

Do you offer a money back guarantee? What is your refund policy?

"At the end of the day we are accountable to ourselves - our success is a result of what we do."-Catherine Pulsifer

I believe that the level of success and degree of results is dependent upon each person's commitment towards their own personal growth and transformation. While I can guarantee that the methods and coaching style offered during my sessions are highly effective and "one of a kind," I cannot guarantee the individual results of each person. Only you, and you alone can guarantee your success.

All sales on all products and services are FINAL and refunds are not available. Any premature cancellations of any internet and/or subscription based coaching programs and other online services will result in the termination of service and removal from all course portals, Facebook groups and other program resources and benefits (unless otherwise indicated by service offering description). No refunds will be issued for any/all cancelled online courses, products, subscriptions and/or other Life Path services. If you cancel any monthly subscription you will maintain access to all sessions, recordings and online community for the duration of your monthly subscription. All access to portal, community and other program resources will no longer be available and no further subscription payments will be processed after cancellation.